Alrighty, some words about Krikkit..he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone..a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fir-oh, wait...that was A Christmas Carol. Damn.

Okay, I've got it worked out now. Krikkit. He's a senior at Joliet West High School in Joliet, Illinois. He plays trombone in the symphonic band there, as well as the marching band, orchestra, and jazz band. He does other things involving music, including tracking some out on the computer occasionally, but that is usually hindered by his level of tracking ability, but that gets remedied with time. He likes to write to a pretty good degree, though the only thing that sees the public eye mostly is his poetry(Note from Krikkit: I've had a story or two published online, but under a different name, simply because I could.)

Feel free to get in contact with him for anything, to ask any questions, supply any dog biscuits, anything:)

ICQ #: 18202694

Email: (Warning, Hotmail is being screwy lately...dont be offended if I dont respond, it might not have gotten through, send it again if it's that important)

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